
JC Ltd. offers a comprehensive and engaging consulting experience that equips your organisation with the tools and mindset needed to shift your strategic trajectory towards preferable futures.

We offer an initial consultation free of charge to discuss your organisation’s needs, and produce a tailor-made project to suit your goals and timeframes.        

Strategic forecasting education & advisory – Aquire the mindset of a futurist:

  • Establishing where your organisation fits within geopolitical contexts.
  • Understanding the interplay between security, political, economic & cultural environments.
  • Discovering the importance of foresight & using uncertainty productively.
  • Framing & interpreting complex issues, or ‘wicked problems’.
  • Exploring fresh perspectives on emerging markets & technology relevant to your organisation.
  • Thinking critically & productively about your internal communication & strategy formulation processes.             

Futures modelling workshops – Lay the foundations of your organisation’s futuring practices:

  • These hands-on workshops bring decision-makers & stakeholders together to learn about and develop key futuring methods;
  • Horizon scanning.
  • Sense & sense-making.
  • Establishing time-horizons & parameters.
  • Trend extrapolation.
  • Matrix creation.
  • Alternative scenario building.

Geopolitical risk advisory – JC Ltd. connects the dots through robust deliverables:

  • Expert analysis of the insights & foresight generated through the futures modelling.
  • Blind spot identification.
  • Key future risks or opportunities outlined and analysed clearly.
  • Detailed future scenario narratives & what they mean for your organisation.
  • Tailored strategy & policy guidance to reach your preferred futures.
  • Delivered in multiple formats, including reports, models, & visual & oral presentations.

Curious about what JC Ltd. can do for you?

If you’ve got questions, or you’d like to get in touch, please send us an enquiry using the form provided, or contact us on any of the details given.

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    +12 (0) 345 678 9